Positive Word

There is always a choice to make when it comes to what you say to somebody. May will say ” pastor i was angry and didn’t know when i really said that‘ … and the normal jargon will follow …………….you know, ” its the devil”. As a born again regenerated being you must never say the enemy made you do something you really didn’t want to. The fact is that ” the devil or satan has no power to control you” nor to even alter what you have plan to do or say. All he can do is to ‘suggest’ to your mind and if you agree then there is a contract binding the two of you in operation hence he can operate with and through you. What you say is solely your choice that is why Gd will judge every spoken word of ours including the ideal words spoken. To escape trouble at the judgement seat, just make up your mind to always speak the right words and i promise you not even the devil can make you to.
Rule your life ………… Speak the right words in all circumstances.